Deadline for Donations to Sparkle for Sandy Relief Is Nov. 21

By now, JCK readers know about the Herculean relief efforts taking place in some Northeast coastal areas. To keep the momentum going for those who need help most, Greenwich Jewelers in New York City is organizing Sparkle for Sandy Relief, an online auction of donated jewels with proceeds benefiting the Waves for Water Hurricane Sandy Relief Initiative.

According to Greenwich co-owner Jennifer Gandia, one of the organizers of this event, Waves was chosen because it has “committed long-term, hands-on support, resources, and funding for the rebuilding of the beach communities of New York and New Jersey,” Gandia told industry colleagues in a statement. “Waves is 501c non-profit organization with proven results in disaster relief from areas including Haiti and Japan, and they will be using all of their experience to help our beloved beach communities on the Eastern seaboard. Greenwich Jewelers will also be donating a portion of November-December proceeds to the initiative.”

The deadline for physical donations to be received at Greenwich Jewelers is Nov. 21; the auction will go live on Nov. 27, and conclude with a viewing and bidding party at Greenwich Jewelers on Dec. 6. More details and scheduling have yet to be finalized, but Gandia is actively seeking donations of national designer brands, diamond pieces, and watches.

Click here if you would like to download the donor form with mailing instructions.

Gandia can also be reached at or 212-964-1144 to answer questions. To date, 46 firms have pledged donations.

Added Gandia: “Thank you for the outpouring of support for the Sparkle for Sandy Relief fundraiser. Some of you have already sent your amazing jewelry and I’m so excited because I know that this effort will represent the heart of our industry and our solidarity with all those affected.”

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