CIBJO Presents Program on Corporate Social Responsibility

A program on corporate social responsibility for the jewelry industry, with presentations by United Nations-sanctioned CSR experts, will take place in Antwerp, Belgium, from June 19 to June 22, hosted by HRD Antwerp.

The program is offered by the World Jewellery Confederation Education Foundation (WJCEF). CIBJO has set up a scholarship fund that will cover a large portion of the tuition fee for each participant.

Over the program’s four days, participants will study the principal models and strategies for Corporate Social Investment, their application in an industry dominated by smaller and medium-sized companies, the impact of CSR on supply chains and a variety of practical case studies. The third day of the course will feature an overview of Corporate Social Responsibility presented by experts from the CSR Certificate program at the University of St. Michaels’s College in the University of Toronto.

WJCEF was established by CIBJO in December 2008 with the purpose of promoting Corporate Social Responsibility in the international jewelry industry and trade.

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