CIBJO Offering Value-Added Services

CIBJO, the World Jewellery Confederation, will provide value-added services to members of affiliated national organizations, according to an announcement made at the conclusion of its four-day Congress in Vicenza, Italy.

The group’s board of directors approved the creation of a Trade Show Commission and a Security, Insurance and Logistics Working Group. The board also agreed to reactivate the CIBJO Ethics Commission, chaired by Jewelers Vigilance Committee president and CEO Cecilia Gardner, and establish a working group to tackle issues specific to coral jewelry manufacturers.

“The addition of these various bodies within CIBJO are of critical importance,” said CIBJO President Gaetano Cavalieri in a statement. “Not only do they expand the tangible benefits that our members are able to offer their members through their association with CIBJO, but they strengthen our ability to tackle both new and developing challenges facing our industry.”

The 2012 CIBJO Congress took place from May 17 to 20, and was hosted by the Fiera di Vicenza.

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