Christmas Countdown: Jewelers Get Into the Spirit of Cyber Monday

For jewelry store owners, sales promotions for Cyber Monday were noticeably quieter this year compared to 2010. Still, retailers with e-commerce and f-commerce websites didn’t want pure-players such as Amazon and Blue Nile to have all the fun.

Real Jewels, based in New York City, offered buyers 20 percent off their entire collection of jewelry sold online. On Facebook, they supplied a special offer code at check out for the discount, and even threw in free shipping. This was a one-day only special.

Greenwich Jewelers was another Big Apple jewelry store offering discounts on Monday. Their approach: the more shoppers spent on jewelry, the more they saved. Five spending categories were each assigned a special offer code at check out, with a $25 savings for those spending $150 to $299. Big spenders dropping $2,000 or more received a $300 discount.

(Photo courtesy of Greenwich Jewelers)

Jenny Caro, owner of Jewelry By Design embraced f-commerce as part of her contribution to Cyber Monday sales. The Woodridge, Va.-based retailer uploaded 282 pieces of jewelry to her Facebook store, ranging from a two-tone steel men’s wedding on the low end to fine three-stone diamond engagement rings. Even if Cyber Monday shoppers were just browsing in Caro’s Facebook store, people could “like” a piece of jewelry, share it on their Facebook wall, and even comment on pieces of interest.

Don Smith, co-owner of E. M. Smith Jewelers, was another jewelry store owner who promoted their Facebook store on Monday. The Chillicothe, Ohio-based store owner chose a bright green for his Facebook store’s color scheme, giving it a seasonal appeal.

(Photos courtesy of E.M. Smith Jewelers)

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