Campaigners Call for Urgent Action on Zimbabwe

The Kimberley Process Civil Society Coalition, whose members include Global Witness, Partnership Africa Canada, and Green Advocates (Liberia), warned in a statement that failure to make a decision about Zimbabwe’s status is compromising the scheme’s credibility and undermining chances for the successful eradication of the trade in conflict diamonds.

In the statement, Anne Dunnebacke from Global Witness said the events in Zimbabwe goes “against both the spirit and the law of the Kimberley Process” and that KP member governments need to “agree to suspend Zimbabwe from importing and exporting rough diamonds.”

Partnership Africa Canada released their 2009 Diamonds and Human Security Annual Review earlier this month, which states that the Kimberely Process is “failing” and the governments involved in its administration “refuse to get tough on blatant smuggling, human rights abuse and money laundering.”

For more coverage on Zimbabwe and the Kimberley Process, click here.

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