Birthday Jewelry Self-Purchasing (or Not)

By Caroline Stanley


I’m embarrassed to admit that I did not buy myself a great jewelry gift when I turned 40 a few years ago.


It’s an obvious purchase for a female in the jewelry industry. Most of my friends have done it – and are doing it. Had a birthday-self-purchase been the topic of a conversation, I would probably have remembered. Instead, the occasion came and went, marked by a flat screen TV from hubby, which I am not sure was actually just for me.


What I’m wondering here is where is that jewelry ad campaign that tells me, as a female, to go buy my own jewelry. One that is not specific to a particular jewelry category. One that tells me not to spend time dropping hints. Not to hope that my significant other figures it out. Just buy the jewelry myself, wear it myself and enjoy it myself.


I’m worth it (to quote a L’Oreal ad). It doesn’t matter if it’s expensive or not, just that I respect, reward and celebrate myself in that way.


Let me repeat, why isn’t there an ad campaign giving me permission and a nudge to go and buy for myself? 

I may have to start one.


Today’s Jewel

When you’re talking to a customer about her upcoming birthday (or any significant event), ask her how she’s celebrating herself. Suggest a piece of jewelry in keeping with her budget and encourage her to buy it herself. Works best if the sales associate suggesting this is doing this herself (if she’s female).

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