Birks & Mayors Drops “Mayors” From Corporate Name

Birks & Mayors has changed its name to the Birks Group, effective as of Oct. 1.

In a statement, president and CEO Jean-Christophe Bédos said the change “better reflects our corporate structure.” The company’s stock ticker symbol will be changed to BGI.

In August, the company’s Birks stores underwent a name change to Maison Birks. 

The company will continue to use the Mayors retail brand name in Florida, as well as the Brinkhaus name in Vancouver.  

Spokeswoman Eva Hartling told JCK: “The new name does not in anyway mean a change of strategy for our Mayors retail arm. We are still fully committed to our three divisions—Birks, Mayors, and Brinkhaus. The new brand name simply reflects our structure, with Birks being a brand as well as a retail destination while Mayors and Brinkhaus are retail destinations.”

Birks merged with the Florida chain Mayors in 2005.

JCK News Director

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