Blogs: Social Setting / Social Media

The Latest AI News in Social Media


As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more prevalent online and in social media, platforms are taking steps to ensure users can identify computer-generated content. Facebook users are reportedly experiencing significant problems with AI-generated content, with increasingly disturbing images showing up in their feeds.

Though scrutinizing eyes would be able to detect an artificiality to these posts, they garner an alarming amount of likes and engagement, which does not bode well for fake content that can sway public opinion or actions.

Facebook owner Meta is now requiring users to add the “made with AI” label when uploading such content themselves. “Made with AI” is being tagged on more AI-generated content via automatic detection tools, as part of Meta’s expanded AI disclosure agreement. The label appears the same to viewers whether added automatically or manually by a user.

Meanwhile, TikTok has become the first video-sharing platform to implement Content Credentials technology from the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA)—a continuation of the app’s efforts to “help creators safely and responsibly express their creativity with AI-generated content (AIGC),” according to the TikTok blog.

“AI enables incredible creative opportunities, but can confuse or mislead viewers if they don’t know content was AI-generated,” TikTok said in its announcement of the C2PA partnership. “Labeling helps make that context clear—which is why we label AIGC made with TikTok AI effects and have required creators to label realistic AIGC for over a year. We also built a first-of-its-kind tool to make this easy to do, which over 37 million creators have used since last fall.”

TikTok has expanded auto labeling using C2PA’s tools to AIGC created on other platforms. The technology helps instantly recognize and label such content in images and videos, and is expected to be introduced soon for audio content.

(Photo: Getty Images)

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By: Brittany Siminitz

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