5 More Cool Jewelry Ads From the 1800s

I couldn’t stop myself from diving into JCK‘s archives yet again, in search of more cool jewelry ads from the 1800s. Enjoy.

The Jeweler’s Weekly Feb. 10, 1886

Howard & Son Makers

I really wished I lived back in the era that valued sleeve buttons. I would have collected all of these like baseball cards. 

The Jeweler’s Weekly Feb. 17 1886

The Pivot Diamond Setting Company

I don’t need to explain why this is an awesome ad, right? Excellent, let’s move on.

The Jeweler’s Circular Feb. 13, 1895

Geo. Borgfeldt & Co.

Another ad that goes with the image of a factory. This one is a lot cooler than last week’s at least.

The Jeweler’s Circular March 31, 1895

H. Abbott

The best use of a bald man and a pocketwatch ever.

The Jeweler’s Circular Feb. 12, 1895

Waite, Threshner Company

Like the ad says, “Enough said!”

Which one is your favorite?

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