33rd Annual Winter ACE© It Education Conference by NAJA

The National Association of Jewelry Appraisers announced Friday its 33rd Annual Winter ACE© It Education Conference will be held in Tucson, AZ, January 31 – February 1, 2010.

The daily programs include presentations by Charles Ellias G.G., Mariana Maria Photiou FGA, Gary Megel G.G., Gary Olmstead G.G., Geoffrey Nelson G.G., Helen Serras-Herman MFA FGA, Matt Winward G.G., David Blount-Porter G.G. and Maggie Campbell Pedersen FGA.

A special pre-conference program of Advance Gemology – Diamonds and Advance Gemology -Colored Stones will be presented by Branko Deljanin FGA and Dusan Simic FGG on Saturday, January 30th.

To receive a conference brochure or for further information and conference reservations, contact Gail Brett Levine G.G., Executive Director, National Association of Jewelry Appraisers, 718.896-1536, naja.appraisers@netzero.net, www.NAJAappraisers.com.

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