3 Infographics on the Future of Digital Retail

The September 2013 issue of JCK featured several cutting-edge retail innovations that could influence the digital marketplace in the very near future.

To complement that information, here are three infographics retailers might find helpful in developing their digital strategies in 2014 and beyond.

1. A Look at the Digital Future of Global Retail by Exact Target

Key stats:

  • Global e-commerce sales topped $1 trillion for the first time.
  • 60 percent of Facebook brand fans are looking for deals and coupons.
  • 59 percent of shoppers would delay a purchase based on a mobile search.

The Future of Digital Retail [INFOGRAPHIC] - ExactTarget Infographic


2. The Digital World in 2013: How We Shop Now by National Positions

Key stats:

  • In 2013, nearly 20 percent of online purchases were made after surfing social media networks.
  • $119 billion in goods and services will be purchased via mobile in 2015.
  • 35 percent of the world is online, compared to 23 percent in 2012.


3. The Meaning of Like: How Smart Devices and Social Analytics Are Transforming Retail by Symphony Teleca Corporation

Key stats:

  • 51 percent of online shoppers consider social sites as valuable and credible resources for researching products and services.
  • 85 percent of people anticipate a change in their shopping behavior in response to the growing number of user-generated content.
  • 51 percent of online shoppers follow their favorite brands on Pinterest to check for coupons and deals.

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