$1 Million Ice Cream Cone is in Philly

The world’s first $1 Million Ice Cream Cone arrived in Philadelphia on Nov. 30, marking the last stop on its U.S. tour that began in June. It was unveiled and displayed exclusively at Robbins Diamonds newly-redesigned flagship store at 8th & Walnut Sts.

Designed to replicate Bruster’s Real Ice Cream‘s signature cherry vanilla ice cream waffle cone, the gold and jeweled masterpiece was brought to life by diamond manufacturer, Lazare Kaplan International Inc. and

It consists of nearly 20 troy ounces of 18k white and yellow gold, more than 630 diamonds including 548 round Lazare Diamonds, 87 Lazare square emerald cut diamonds, one breathtaking 5.63-ct. Fancy Intense yellow radiant cut diamond, and has a total carat weight of 152.16 cts.

Visitors at the unveiling were treated to free samples of the ice cream which inspired the jewelry piece. The $1 Million Ice Cream Cone will remain on display through Saturday, before heading to Japan for the international tour, and then will be put up for auction in early 2008, with Bruster’s proceeds being donated to the charity.

As the country’s fastest-growing ice cream franchise with over 260 locations in 18 states, Bruster’s commissioned the cone to raise awareness and funds for its corporate charity, Big Brothers Big Sisters

Among only a handful of jewelers across the U.S. that specialize in the Bridal Jewelry category, Robbins Diamonds is now into its fifth generation, dating back to 1912, with five stores in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware.

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