desire for diamond jewelry at high mark get ready for a diamond-happy season, says the diamond information center in new york city. demand for diamonds is up from 1995 in all areas, among all age groups and in both genders. among the 2,600 married women between 25-64 who were studied, 63% have their hearts set on or would very much like to receive diamond jewelry, up from 59% in 1995.

November 1, 1997
Engineering The Return of Bolivian Ametrine
Your Turn
in this column, members of the jewelry industry can state their views, wax poetic or otherwise pen their thoughts in slightly longer form than the traditional letter to the editor. we welcome your submissions. please send them to letters to the editor, jck, one chilton way, radnor, pa 19089; fax (610) 964-4481, e-mail gholmes@chilton.
Engineering The Return of Bolivian Ametrine
the anahí mine nestles in the heart of bolivia’s rain forest. as the world’s only ametrine mine, and the world’s only quantity producer of large amethyst, you might think it would have iron-fisted control over the supply and prices for the gems. but low prices worldwide for ametrine, amethyst and citrine suggest otherwise.
russia-de beers contract cedes control to kremlin de beers and russia were expected to sign their long-awaited rough diamond marketing agreement oct. 21. russian sources say the deal will cede them greater control over diamond prices and supplies. de beers executives declined comment on the details of the pact at jck press-time.
What’s New
catalogs silver stars collection catalog by mma international showcases thousands of pieces of sterling silver jewelry. this 64-page catalog includes triple keystone prices and features both classics and the latest trends. mma international, po box 160577, austin, tx 78716-0577; (800) 531-5316 or fax (888) 531-5316.
What’s going on here?
the past couple of months have been the most turbulent in jck’s 128-year life. briefly, here’s what’s happened – and if you’ve already been flooded with “facts,” please bear with me. in early september, the former publisher, charlie bond, led many editors and salespeople out of jck and into a new organization called bond communications.
War in the Streets of L.A.
“los angeles is the eye of the storm, the epicenter, for jewelry crime in the united states. it’s the most dangerous place in the country for the job you’re in.” and so john kennedy, president of jewelers’ security alliance, opened a recent security seminar for 50 traveling sales representatives in los angeles.
wgc stresses to high-volume market the world gold council’s efforts with the high-volume market are driven by its increased recognition that this retail sector accounted for more than three-quarters of all u.s. gold jewelry dollar sales and nearly 90% of all unit sales last year, according to the council’s 1996 annual report.
JCK Annual Salary Survey
the gender gap is narrowing. the glass ceiling is coming closer to shattering. at least, that’s the way it appears in the latest salary study, an annual review of jewelers’ compensation plans as reported in the jck retail jewelers panel. the panel’s 450 respondents represent primarily independent jewelers across america.
A Magical Tale of Two Stores
once upon a time, there were two jewelry stores that looked entirely different and worked very much alike. the time is now. one store is a six-story cornucopia bursting with jewels, soaps, scarves, ties, handbags, furniture and objets d’arts; the other is a tiny, soothing space where jewelry and display are broken down to the purest elements of form and function.
Diamonds Hard Won
the customer hesitates, even after you present all your sure-fire arguments to explain why diamonds cost what they do. you covered how difficult they are to sort, trade and cut. now try explaining the complex and fascinating process by which diamonds are mined in the late 20th century. recently, de beers invited senior editor russell shor and me to south africa on a press tour at its expense to…
Watch Watch
sector watch is ‘custom made’ for colorado jeweler for a jewelry store that specializes in “active” designer jewelry, adding sector sport watches was a perfect match until sector sport watches came to town, ice mountain jewelry in crested butte, colo., focused on jewelry made in the store and by designers such as carol ackerman, etienne perret and cornelis hollander.
Retailer News
openings clayton jewelers is opening in a new location, 2 north meramec avenue in clayton. the company is changing its by-appointment-only policy and will be open to the public 10 a.m.-5 p.m. mondays through fridays and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. saturdays. clayton jewelers is adding custom design, repair and appraisal services and platinum jewelry to its offerings.