Women Who Don’t Shop?…

By Caroline Stanley


It’s hard for me to imagine the woman in this world that doesn’t like shopping for her own jewelry.


And yet there are some.


From what I know about the women’s self-purchasing market, there are not too many of those. At least, not too many that can afford to shop and don’t. (Those without the right budget don’t count, as when they have the money, most will start shopping.)


I met one last weekend. Actually, I already knew her but didn’t realize she didn’t choose at least some of her own jewelry.


She works as a VP in a bank. Late 30’s or early 40’s. Makes plenty of money. Dresses well. Good handbags. Her husband also does quite well at work. They live in a nice house and have extra cars; no money problems here to speak of.


However, she’s never bought her own jewelry, except for a pair of sterling earrings or two when she was much younger and not married.


Her engagement ring is quite nice. She has some nice other pieces, nothing special but quality goods.


So, we’re at dinner and she was mentioning to her husband how he’d better talk to me about some jewelry ideas. Clearly, the husband was not excited about this prospect unless there was an occasion coming up where I could get him out of trouble. Of course, I just thought if there was something she wanted she could certainly buy it herself – she could afford it.


So I asked.


“What was the last jewelry item you bought for yourself?” I said.

“Nothing,” she answered, as my jaw dropped.

“You don’t buy any jewelry for yourself?”

“No, hubby picks it all out.”

“That is really interesting. Why not?” (No beating around the bush for me!)

“Oh, I don’t know. I just never have.”


As I picked myself up off the floor, I realized I was glimpsing that rare of creatures – at least within my immediate circle of friends – the female NON-self purchaser. So, my last comment was short and to the point:


“You need to get over that and buy some jewelry for yourself.” I said.

“Yeah, probably,” she agreed.


Of course, that led me to the next thought. How has a jeweler not gotten her hands on this woman? She’s probably been into a store (where the engagement ring was purchased) to have it sized, cleaned or fixed. Ditto on her other jewelry.


Is it possible to turn this type of purchaser into a customer?

Maybe. And maybe not.


She may just prefer to have her husband buy her jewelry. If so, that is certainly her choice and end of story.


If that’s not the case, a jeweler/sales associates that takes a genuine interest in her life, her jewelry and her needs could perhaps turn her into a great customer. If the jeweler knew that she spends most of her life in board rooms with a bunch of men, perhaps she’d suggest some powerful pins to wear. Maybe the jeweler could send her photos of jewelry via email and have whatever she liked delivered, so shopping was easy and convenient. Or perhaps making house/office calls with some items might work.


Just a few thoughts on a very relevant topic. It did leave me wondering, once again, why there wasn’t a generic jewelry ad campaign targeted toward female self-purchasers…..food for thought.

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