What’s Selling in Stores This Week: Men’s Wedding Bands

We asked four retailers located in four corners of the country to share their top-selling men’s wedding bands this week.


Shuler’s Jewelers, Norristown, Pa.

SK Cobalt cobalt alloy bands, $220. “Cobalt has been a big favorite because of its style and durability,” says owner Howard Zenker.


David Douglas Jewelers, Marietta, Ga.

Chris Ploof gold and palladium bands with meteorite inlay, $800–$3,200. “Kids want something cool and unusual and different from what their parents had,” says co-owner Doug Meadows.


Providence Diamond Co., Cranston, R.I.

Frederick Goldman 14k white gold bands, $500–$1,000. “We serve a traditional market, where things without ornate designs sell well,” says owner Daniel Prikster. “Usually, our customers buy styles you would see their parents wearing.”


Michael K. Jewelers, Los Angeles

SK Cobalt cobalt alloy bands, $250. “Everybody goes after the plain design, nothing fancy, no matter if it’s gold, silver, cobalt, or any other metal,” says owner Michael Kohan.


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