Wardrobe Concept #2 – Cross-Category Combinations

Cynthia:  The second point we emphasize in developing a jewelry wardrobe is that an item’s price is irrelevant. Don’t be afraid to pair a piece costing thousands of dollars with one costing a fraction of that. Mix and match and see what works well together.
Caroline: Another interesting way to look at a wardrobe. I know there are situations where I just choose all the most expensive pieces and throw them on. However, depending on what look I’m after, I’ll also wear items that are expensive with those that are less expensive and get a great look.
Cynthia: What’s your process in deciding how to combine pieces from different price ranges?
Caroline: First, your wardrobe needs to be a mix of items of various prices. I think most of us have that mix, but if you’re someone who prefers to wear only expensive or only inexpensive jewelry, this point probably does not apply to you! Second, look for common styles or colors (of gemstones and metals) or themes (if you have lots of jewelry with flowers, plants, etc., a nature theme, for example) to pair things up. One way to start might be to spread out all your various jewelry and group them by style and then by color and see what you come up with — maybe a great combination you’d have never considered.
Cynthia: Good thoughts. I think a nature motif involving different pieces of jewelry from very different collections is a charming idea.
Caroline: I’m sure you have some more suggestions for combining pieces of different prices?
Cynthia: Yes, try combining expensive designer pieces with more classic, less pricey choices. Nothing says that you have to have the bracelet or earrings that match the necklace! Or perhaps set off a fabulous item with other pieces that don’t compete with it. 
Caroline: One might also set a goal to not wear the same combination of jewelry for the 15 days (or longer!) and see what happens then! That sort of commitment really forces you to be creative and see what works. Sometimes you just don’t know what works together until you can see it that way.
Cynthia: That’s right. Putting together combinations is an art, not a science. That brings to mind a wonderful quote from Scott Adams in The Dilbert Principle: “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.”
Caroline: Hey, a nice quote that’s in our book! :)

Today’s Jewel
Each time you can work with your customer’s wardrobe, you have another chance to find any missing holes (and fill them), assist your customer in recycling unused jewelry and fix any broken pieces.

Have a conversation based on the above information with them and see where it leads. Hopefully it will lead to more sales and happier customers!

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