As president of Final Cut Marketing, Rob Baron produces
videos for retail jewelers and other business owners. The black and white video
internally called “Caught” is his second most popular video to date. Roughly 75
to 100 retail jewelers have used this video in their market. If you add up all
the unique views the video has received on YouTube, across these different
jewelry stores, the numbers are staggering. See what industry video marketing guru
Nick Failla says about Final Cut Marketing’s “Caught” video:
“The tables are turned in this video and it is the woman
this time who finds herself potentially in the proverbial dog house if she
doesn’t act quickly. This turn of events makes it stand out more from the more
common theme of using the man as the butt of the joke. This twist enables the
video to employ a proven theme while still keeping it fresh. I think the lesson
here is to examine some of your favorite videos and ask yourself if you changed
just one or two elements in the plot, could you create something new and engaging?
“Another trick used by the very imaginative team at Final
Cuts Ads was that they created this video almost entirely in black and
white. Doing so accomplishes two things. First it catches the
viewer’s immediate attention because it stands out in a sea of videos that are flashy
and in color. Secondly, and just as important, is that it enables them to
make their final message really standout because it is the only item in the
video that has color. This strategic use of color at the end of the
commercial helps to cement in the consumer’s mind that when you go to ‘ABC
Jewelers’ and purchase a diamond you will surely ‘rock her world!’
“While the risqué nature of this spot may prevent airing in
more conservative marketplaces, a jeweler could air a spot that was a bit more
conservative and then redirect viewers to their website to see a more revealing
version. This strategy might provide even more intrigue to your spot and
in turn drive people to your website!”
Nick Failla
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