Whether you’re a subscriber to the self-care movement, you’ve probably noticed that it’s made its way into retail. Between the myriad gyms (Soul Cycle, Barré), farm-to-table foods, eco-friendly options (you’re cutting out plastics, right?), and mental health tools (apps like Headspace help users to learn meditation), the practice of bettering oneself is huge, and brands all over are taking advantage.
It seems, as well, that clearer minds function better in less crowded environments, so the call for consumers to purchase fewer—but higher-quality—things is a loud one.
This is actually perfect for the jewelry industry, particularly when it comes to higher-priced items, one-of-a-kind creations, and independent designer goods. In many areas of the country, shoppers are seeking fewer mass-produced items and more small-batch treasures.
Now, a disclaimer: I understand that I, as a millennial in the liberal bubble of Washington, D.C., am not being fully inclusive here. It’s true that jewels don’t have to be handmade, limited edition, etc., to make a good sale. But it’s also true that there are droves of shoppers out there who feel that that’s where they want to spend their money, so this is written with them in mind. Perhaps you have quite a list of shoppers like this, perhaps only a few (regardless, the jewels you’re seeing are crowd-pleasers, am I right?).
During the holidays, it can be hard to not want to partake in whatever trend is currently slaying the market (I may or may not have just purchased a leopard-print skirt myself, for upcoming festivities). But, if done thoughtfully, you can hit the mark right on trend while also procuring items that will transcend any fad or phenomenon. The same is true with jewelry. With all of those black-tie soirees and glamorous cocktail parties, a particularly stunning piece of jewelry would sure be nice to accessorize with. But an über-pricey pair of diamond chandeliers won’t necessarily blend seamlessly with office attire (nor will some feel comfortable wearing such brilliant treasures out and about on the regular). Sure, I dream about owning some “vault jewels” myself—the kind that remain under lock and key until such an occasion calls for wearing them—but until the time comes that I own a vault (first things first), I need jewels that can be bold and beautiful as well as accessible and versatile.
So for those shopping with the mantra that “less is more,” these exquisite pieces are for them. They’ve got just the right amount of holiday goodness about them and are certain to maintain an alluring sparkle all year-round.
Top: Cirque Tassel earrings in 14k yellow gold with black spinel, London blue topaz, and rubellite tourmaline, $2,200; Jane Taylor
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