Tuning in to McCoy Jewelers’ TunesDay

McCoy Jewelers’ “TunesDay” is a classic case of turning adversity into opportunity. Two months ago, Matt McCoy, the owner of the Bartlesville, Okla., store lost his Internet connection, killing its normal iTunes feed. While waiting for the connection to return, his staff suggested going a little old-school by turning on the radio to team favorite Mix 96.5, a contemporary pop station out of Tulsa.

Bored, the staff then went to the back room to find CDs, loading favorites in the CD stacker, giving the usual day’s worth of store music more variety. Thanks to speakers inside and outside the store, the neighboring Jazzercise studio owner heard the mix—and posted her favorable reaction on her Facebook wall. And with that, TunesDay was born.

TunesDay—or Tuesday as it is known for the rest of us—at McCoy’s gives sales associate and social media manager Brandon Lalli a chance to be DJ for a day. But store owner McCoy wanted TunesDay to do a little bit more. “Although we’ve only been doing TunesDay for two months, we’d like it to be a branding component to our store,” says McCoy.

Since the social media manager is also the DJ, it only made sense that TunesDay would have a social media dynamic to it. To help increase brand equity for the TunesDay and the store, McCoy decided to attach store specials to the day dedicated to employee play lists and post these specials on Facebook.

Sales associate and social media manager Brandon Lalli gets to play DJ every TunesDay.

Every Tuesday, product specials run from 10 to 20 percent off on a range of products. This week’s TunesDay special, for example, was associated ith the store’s current anniversary sale. Other TunesDay specials: 20 percent off pearl jewelry, 10 percent off October’s birthstone (opal).

It may be too early to tell if branding the store with music is working, but McCoy and his staff have noticed more customers commenting about the musical choices made on Tuesdays, as compared with the other days (when Mix 96.5 plays). And customers, although just a few, are taking advantage of the Tuesday discounts.

“We’re also seeing comments on Facebook; people are sending emails and calling the store to let us know they like the change-up on Tuesday,” says McCoy.

In addition to listing discounts associated with TunesDay, playlist samples are also uploaded to the store’s Facebook wall. TunesDay postings on Facebook are also sandwiched nicely between the store’s regular Facebook staples including Motivational Monday (quotes to inspire and light a fire) and Fun Fact Friday.

McCoy, Lalli, and the staff have even come up with TunesDay themes, such as a day dedicated to blues and a jazz with songs by Harry Connick, Jr., or mixing playlists up with female vocalists just about any age demographic can appreciate, such as Norah Jones and Natalie Merchant.

And with Christmas coming up, the TunesDay possibilities are almost endless. Everyone has holiday favorites, be it classics such as Nat King Cole’s “The Christmas Song” (originally written by Mel Tormé) or modern seasonal favorites like Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” 

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