Time for (Stylish) Change

It’s Election Day, and despite ongoing political discussions in the office about the president, the war, and other worldly issues, some of my colleagues will not be going to the polls. New York is set in its Democratic ways, they say, and one vote isn’t going to make a difference (yep, that old argument), but I think it also has to do with that disconnect between daily life and politics. Despite knowing intellectually that our votes do determine the government (and that the government affects us personally), the results are often hard to visualize.


So it was a pleasure for me, immediately after casting my own vote this morning, to attend the debut of jewelry designer Udi Behr’s “Time for Peace” watch collection, which connects our trade with a political message in a hands-on and stylish way. The watches, which feature a big face, three miniature peace sign chronometers and a stunning color palate, came out today “to coincide with Election Day and to send a message of world peace” to voters. The collection is part of Behr’s Love & Pride line, which promotes (in its symbolic designs and donations of proceeds) marriage equality for gays and lesbians.


“Time for Peace” timepieces average around $350 (Behr wanted to make them affordable to as many peacemakers as possible) and come in both funky and conservative color combinations. I love the light blue face/ camouflage band version and I value Behr’s message…perhaps this holiday season will be my time for peace (ahem, parents).

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