The Customer With a New Look

This blog by Cynthia Sliwa.

Hurrah for makeovers! They can completely revitalize not only one’s appearance but also one’s level of confidence. As an image consultant, I’ve worked one-on-one with many individuals and have seen time and again what a difference a few changes in style can make.

For an individual who has undergone a personal makeover and wardrobe analysis, clothing is likely to fit better and look more flattering. The new styles of apparel may be very different from what he or she wore previously, but likely will suit the individual much better. Very often the individual starts wearing more color. A good image professional will help his or her client learn to use accessories effectively too. Jewelry can and should be an important factor in any personal makeover, because few accessories have more impact than jewelry.

Very often the changes include a new hairstyle. A woman can look instantly more sophisticated, more professionally competent, or even younger with a great haircut. Suddenly, a beautiful neck or delicate ears that had been hidden under hair come into view. We notice the features of her face. And those ears, neck and face are ready for adornment.

If you’re paying attention to your customers, you’ll immediately notice this kind of change. It provides an opportunity to strike up a conversation and to compliment your customer as appropriate. The customer may well give you some insight as to the precipitating cause of the change. Does it relate to a bigger life change, like a new job or a new love interest? Did the change happen as a self-reward to mark a milestone?

And yes! These are occasions that are often commemorated with the purchase of jewelry. But even without a precipitating cause, the very makeover itself provides a reason for the customer to celebrate her new look and update her jewelry wardrobe.

Today’s Jewel
Working with a customer who has had an image makeover provides opportunities to explore:

  • Jewelry that incorporates strong doses of color,
  • Jewelry to add polish to a professional image or pizzazz to a more confident look, and
  • Adorning ears and necks that come into focus with a new hairstyle.

Don’t forget, too, that the makeover may be an indication of larger life changes worth commemorating with an update to the customer’s jewelry wardrobe.

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