Selling to Woman: They Are Collectors

By Caroline Stanley


We’ve been talking recently about women buying for themselves and in an email conversation with a friend, I recalled my Add-A-Section bracelet (from Jabel) and how I loved the concept.


That’s a great gift concept for most of us – have something we can purchase in smaller monetary increments that can build up to being one great piece of jewelry. Charm bracelets offer this as do slide bracelets, if you are in certain parts of the country.


I know there are other sorts, necklaces and the like. I think this is an especially good concept for women who are new to self-purchasing, as they can start in a smaller way and build to something fabulous that would have been hard to afford all at once.


The theory behind this is the women are collectors. I recall sitting in the green room of Home Shopping Network during my PGI days, waiting to go on-air. The gentleman sharing my room was selling those little stuffed animals called Beanie Babies. His entire sales pitch was build around this concept: that if there was a collection if he could get the woman to buy one, she’d buy the rest as well, because women were collectors.


A very solid concept. Give it a try on your own sales floor.

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