Oh What a Party Georg Jensen Throws

It was hard for me to motivate last night; I was tired from a busy fashion week, it was freezing in Manhattan, and I didn’t want to trek down to the Financial District at 9:00 PM.

But I was curious about Denmark brand Georg Jensen‘s jewelry launch party, and so I arrived on time to 7 World Trade Center, at a high-windowed loft space on the 52nd floor darkened so that the view of, basically, all of Manhattan glowed almost surreally.

Everyone but myself was dressed in black, most of the women in dresses. I had run errands after work as I made my way downtown; they, I realized, had gone home and primped. Whoops. I was given a caipirnha by a dashing waiter (attractiveness seemed to be a requirement- all the servers I subsequently saw were similarly good looking). Recognizing no one, I wandered around, accidentally- or maybe you were supposed to?- walking through a projection of a bejeweled woman floating like a magic waterfall in the middle of the huge room.

I jotted some notes and then remembered another activity for which I was well-suited at this type of event: eating. I sampled truffled cheese, eel, and oysters from three different states. I washed down each with a sip of my exquisite drink which, when I placed it on the table- almost finished but not- was promptly whisked away. Before I could say, “wait a sec, I wasn’t quite done with that,” retrieve the glass, and slurp down the last drop, a full glass of the same drink was put down in its place.

I spoke to the lovely woman from Copenhagen who created the jewelry displays, and heard first-hand how each moment, every inch of the night was minutely planned. I spoke also to the event’s PR woman, who told me the event would become a “real party” later in the evening, with the DJ pumping house music and celebrities stopping by (Molly Sims and Helena Christensen, she replied politely to my unelegant “Who?!”).

By 10:30, the place had filled up, the music had gotten louder- was this the real party? I wasn’t sure I was the best judge- and I was again by the glassed wall, blurring my eyes so that the city looked like a giant glowing ball. It was time to go home.

Oh yes, the jewelry! It was beautiful. Each piece a variation of a diamond-filled sphere cut open. A lovely backdrop for the event.

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