Leading Jewelers of the World launches new Web site

Leading Jewelers of the World, New York, an association of retail jewelers, has launched its Web site located at www.ljotw.com. The Web site is intended to be used by consumers, existing members, and prospective members.

For consumers it will act as an educational tool providing information relating to Leading Jewelers of the World and “Tipton…At Your Service,” the symbol of the association’s “Ultimate Jewelry Buying Experience,” the association said in a statement. It also provides consumers with information about diamonds, including the 4 Cs, the fifth C (consumer confidence), and fancy cut diamonds.

Consumers can link to each individual member’s Web. Prospective members can use the Web site to gain insight into this esteemed Association and what is required to become a member. For existing members, the site acts as a way of keeping them abreast of the many exciting benefits and programs provided by the association.

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