JVC Releases ‘Green Pack’

Jewelers Vigilance Committee is releasing its eco-friendly Green USA PATRIOT Act Compliance Kit. Known as “GREEN PACK,” it is for use by jewelers to develop and maintain effective anti-money laundering programs that comply with the requirements of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network and the Internal Revenue Service.

The Green Pack is nearly paper-free and includes a storage binder, CD containing the information, templates, and forms that were in JVC’s previous PACK plus new guidance for the industry and an AML DVD to help jewelers to train their employees on the general requirements of the law.

JVC’s GREEN PACK is sponsored by The JCK Industry Fund, funded equally by the JCK Show and the JCK Publishing Group.

GREEN PACK owners can use all of the features offered with JVC’s first PACK, including information updates in the PACK Owners Only section on JVC’s Web site, www.jvclegal.org. GREEN PACK owners and the entire jewelry industry can continue to send AML questions to Cecilia Gardner, JVC president, chief executive officer, and general counsel and AML industry expert at askamlexpert@aol.com.

“GREEN PACK is a natural extension of JVC’s first PACK, the industry standard for AML program development and one of the best selling products in the history of the jewelry industry,” Gardner said.

JVC’s GREEN PACK can be purchased at introductory prices until July 31. JVC members receive the deepest discounts. JVC non-members who belong to The Jewelers Board of Trade, American Gem Society, American Gem Trade Association, and the Diamond Dealers Club of New York will continue to receive special price discounts.

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