by Caroline Stanley
While people don’t generally pick a jewelry store like they would an amusement park, a good shopping experience is essential to helping a customer build a jewelry wardrobe over the years.
How much fun are you to shop with? Your store?
Think about a recent purchase. Now, think about it from the point of view of your customer.
Was it pleasant? Stress-free? Something they want to repeat? Is the experience over or will he/she be receiving a personalized thank you of some sort. Really put yourself in the customer’s shoes.
Now, as Dr. Phil would say, how’s that working for you?
If you think about the experience and are left with a satisfied feeling, your customer probably is too. If you think about it and say….hmmm, I wish I’d (or we’d) done better, then chances are your customer feels that way too.
Making a shopping experience fun isn’t about adding balloons or cookies. However, it could be as simple as ensuring each customer feels as if they are special. Talk about their jewelry wardrobe. Share face shape information (click here and here) as she chooses new earrings. Help her find a signature piece.
This topic isn’t new, but it’s worth revisiting. Through the various concept in Jewelry Savvy, you now have a few more topics to discuss with your customers. Be the first jeweler in your area to expand your sales vocabulary!
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