JCK Las Vegas: Scenes from Opening Day

Vasant Mehta, chairman of the Gem & Jewellery
Export Promotion Council, joined Dave Bonaparte, JCK Group Vice President, at
the opening ceremony of the JCK’s 19th Show at the Sands Expo
Convention Center.


Dancers performed a ceremonial dance before the opening day

The World Gold Council hosted its annual Gold
Expressions party last night at the Valentino. Three seasons of gold jewelry
fashions, Italian food, wines and dessert were part of the evening event.  Last night’s event was organized by the World Gold Council and co-sponsored by Vicenza Fair, Richline Group and AngloGold

Left to right: Mr. Roberto Ditri, President of Vicenza Fair Dennis Ulrich, President of Richline Group Michael Pace, VP Marketing US Jewelry for World Gold Council

Left to right: Mr. Roberto
Ditri, President of Vicenza Fair, Dennis Ulrich, President of Richline
Group and Michael Pace, VP Marketing US Jewelry for World Gold Council

GemFind will recruit the help of Millennia to
promote the company’s range of website development services. Look for
the robot
at the GemFind booth L-42.

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