How Jewelry Retailers Can Zero In on Killer Candidates

Effective sales people are the cornerstone of any vibrant retail operation. But even in an economy riddled with people looking for jobs, it’s often difficult to track down employees who can really move product out the door.

Which is why we asked Suzanne DeVries, owner of Diamond Staffing Solutions, which specializes in staffing jewelry stores, to weigh in on how retailers can zero in on killer candidates:

The Pretty Factor

“Make no mistake about it—we are an image business,” says DeVries. “So we’re always looking for people who have the look. Jewelers should be looking for attractive people, young or old, to get behind the counter. Integrity and honesty are also key qualities.”

Personality Plus

“You have to know that they can sell and build relationships before you hire them. Even if the client walks out without buying something, we know they will come back and see that person.” DeVries suggests having job applicants sell you an item of jewelry during the interview.

Shop Around

The best way to find great employees? “Shop for them,” says DeVries. “And if you have a good training plan in place, then don’t just relegate your [poaching] to jewelry. That person that waited on you in a restaurant could be amazing.”

The Long Way

If you have time to sift and sort through resumes, placing a help-wanted ad can prove fruitful, notes DeVries. But if you’re already understaffed, hiring an outside HR person may be worth the investment. Because your time is—most definitely—money.

Twice as Nice

“I tell people never, ever hire someone after interviewing them once,” says DeVries. “You have to bring them back again to make sure they’re on their game again and that they interact with other employees well.”

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