Hearts On Fire president, Mark Israel, was invited to attend the closing bell ceremony at the New York Stock Exchange with officials from Godiva on Thursday. The two companies recently entered into a partnership to give away more than $1 million worth of Hearts on Fire diamond jewelry in a Valentine’s Day contest. The bell-ringing ceremony was a way to celebrate and promote it.
The ceremony was also in line with Hearts On Fire’s own tradition of having company representatives ring a bell followed by an enthusiastic shout of “Hearts On Fire” that dates back to when the company was first established in 1996. The bell rings out in celebration of a sale, an accomplishment of a company milestone, and to rally employee morale.
In addition to the ceremony, Hearts On Fire participated in a day-long promotional diamond and chocolate event with Godiva that took place in a tent constructed outside the New York Stock Exchange. The event was open to members of the exchange and promoted the Godiva and Hearts On Fire partnership and their million dollar Valentine’s Day contest. Members were able to purchase Godiva and view Hearts On Fire diamond jewelry for Valentine’s Day.
The contest is open until Wednesday. People can either mail in entries or sign up at the Godiva Web site. The grand prize is $1 million worth of Hearts On Fire diamonds and a year’s supply of Godiva’s chocolates. Two finalist prizes will receive $50,000 worth of Hearts on Fire diamonds and a year’s supply of chocolates.
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