Harriet Schreiner to receive the WJA ‘Hall of Fame’ award

The Women’s Jewelry Association will present Harriet Schreiner, executive V.P, general merchandise manager of Sterling Jewelers, with its prestigious “Hall of Fame” award at the WJA 19th Annual “Awards for Excellence” dinner to be held on July 28, at Pier Sixty, Chelsea Piers, in New York City. The “Hall of Fame” award is given to notable women for their contributions to other women as well as to the jewelry industry in general.

“Harriet Schreiner is truly deserving of this award,” said WJA president Anna Martin. “She has not only reached the pinnacle of her field, the level of excellence she has shown throughout her impressive career makes her an inspiration and a role model for women in our industry.”

Ms. Schreiner has spent almost 40 years in the jewelry industry, beginning at Sears, Roebuck and Co., where she moved up through the ranks from sales to jewelry department manager, district manager and regional manager. In 1989 she joined the staff of Barry’s Jewelers as general merchandise manager. She assumed her current position at Sterling in May 1996. She is a member of the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Morris Animal Foundation, and “Futures for Children,” and actively supports breast cancer research.

In addition to the “Hall of Fame,” the WJA “Awards for Excellence” recognizes outstanding women in seven different categories: design; manufacturer/dealer/supplier; sales; retail; marketing; editorial/reporting/publishing; and special services.

The Awards dinner, held during the Summer JA New York Show, has become one of the most popular social events of the season, says Isabella Fiske, Chair of the Awards dinner. “A lively Silent Auction benefits the WJA Scholarship Fund, helping to further the organization’s vision of empowering women to achieve their highest professional goals.”

This year the WJA Awards dinner is being sponsored at the Platinum Level by Tiffany & Co. and IGI; at the Gold Level by ABN Amro Bank, Kwiat, and the Vicenza Trade Fair; and at the Silver Level by Bill Communications, Graff Jewelers, House Beautiful, Johnson Matthey, and Ron Saltiel Productions.

For information on tickets, sponsorship or the Silent Auction, contact WJA at 973-575-7190.

WJA, founded in 1983, is the preeminent association of professional women in the jewelry, watch and related businesses. Through the national organization, headquartered in New York City, and a network of eight regional chapters, members benefit from educational and networking opportunities, scholarships, design competitions and recognition programs.

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