Freddy Hager, WFDB Treasurer, Dies

Freddy Hager, treasurer general of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses and the president of the London Diamond Bourse, died April 7 at his home in London.

Freddy Hager
Hager joined the diamond business in 1974, after earning an economics degree at University College in London. He was elected to the Management Committee of London Diamond Bourse in 1980.
In 1991, he was elected president of the London Diamond Bourse and three years later he oversaw the merger of the London Diamond Bourse and the London Diamond Club.
He served as deputy treasurer general and chairman of the WFDB’s trades and promotions committee since 2000. He was elected to the WFDB’s executive committee and the 29th World Diamond Congress in Antwerp in 2000.
“He was a friend, a mentor, a visionary, and a person who worked tirelessly behind the scenes for the WFDB, his bourse’s own members, his community, and of course for his family,” Avi Paz, president of WFBD, said in a statement. “He was a gentlemen who was always absolutely frank and straight-forward. Our hearts go out to his wife Louise, his children, and his grandchildren.”

In a statement, Diamond Dealers Club president Moshe Moshbacher called Hager “the very epitome of a gentleman.”

“I considered him one of my
closest friends, both personally and in the WFDB as well,” he said. “He was a role model to all of us who were
fortunate enough to know him. Words cannot describe the sorrow. He was leader
of men and a devoted public servant, who never looked for nor expected to
receive public glory. He was extremely eloquent and also soft-spoken. But he
was ready to take a strong stand when he felt it was necessary, but was never

 Hager is survived by his wife, four children, and grandchildren.

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