Editor’s Cut: The AGTA Spectrum Awards

The talent of those who enter pieces into the American Gem
Trade Association’s Spectrum & Cutting Edge Awards
continues to amaze. From
remarkable gemstone objects of art to rare and gorgeous colored stone jewels,
there are always at least a dozen or so pieces that dazzle all who see them. But
with so many entries—450 this year, according to AGTA—there’s simply not enough
awards slots to highlight more. This blog post and slideshow aim to cast a few
more into the spotlight.

The following are selections of all entries seen during the
Editor’s Preview Day. The jewels shown here are featured for their salability, uniqueness,
overall appeal to the public, and more. I’ve also thrown in a few “Wow!” pieces
that will appeal to a very specific consumer (who can forget 2008’s carved
green horse head

More Selections from the AGTA Spectrum Awards

So many jewels, so little time and space to show them all! Here are a few more stunners—some winners, though most are not—from the recently held competition.

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