Dynamite Downloads

Big Box retailers are hiring loads of additional seasonal
help, but economic indicators such as unemployment and consumer confidence are
offsetting favorable outlooks for the upcoming Christmas holiday season. Want
help? In rolling out Retail Thursday’s new “Dynamite Downloads,” the National
Retail Federation’s (NRF) 2010 Holiday Survival Guide seemed like a perfect way
to debut this new content section.

As retail jewelers might have guessed, jewelry stores and
jewelry products get a lot of attention in this report. Below is a summary of
content categories covered in the Survival Guide.

  • NRF
    holiday spokespeople
  • Holiday
  • Historical
    holiday retail sales
  • Holiday
    sales by sector
  • Retail
  • Theft
    and fraud
  • Historical
    NRF holiday research findings
  • Advertising
    and marketing
  • Gift
  • Online
  • Black
  • Cyber

If you’re looking for some interesting reading, factoids or
fodder for an upcoming staff meeting, go to http://www.nrf.com/modules.php?name=Pages&sp_id=1142
and download this report in PDF format. On the download NRF page, there are
also some interesting links to NRF stories on 2010 holiday season forecasts.
The download is free and contains a lot of useful information for store owners
and their staff.

An attentive colleague brought to my attention a
comprehensive report by PSFK. The New York City-based trends research and
innovation company gazes in to their crystal ball to see what the future of
retailing will look like in their 125-page report named “The Future of
Retailing.” In some ways, the future is already here in the form of emerging
technologies such as location-based social networking or QR barcodes. But as
the report will indicate, today’s emerging trends are tomorrow’s mainstays.

Unfortunately, this download is NOT free. But, the good news
is the report is available in paperback on Amazon for a mere $25. For more
information, please go to http://www.psfk.com/future-of-retail
— read what the report’s authors say about the study and the top 10 trends
that will impacting the future of retailing in the next three to five years.
Judge if it’s important to you and your store’s operations. “The Future of
Retailing” study is also available in electronic format.

Happy reading! `

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