Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup

Once again, for any newcomers, this is a weekly round-up of diamond and jewelry- related news and related material on the Internet, posted every Friday at around 2:00 – 2:30 EST  …

And here we go …

Gitanjali may buy Whitehall.

–  Purchase would mean “new era.”

– Update on Whitehall memo controversy.

– Whitehall settles discrimination suit.

– Whitehall owner Prentice takes a hit.


Stores closed so far this year: 4500.

– Mall vacancies at 13-year high.

– The “demalling” of America.


2009 may also be tough year

– Stimulus checks helping retail.


Signet wants NYSE listing.

– British paper: Still recovering from Ratner.

– Finlay stock goes OTC.


Price increase at DTC sight.

– Large increase “wipes out premiums.”


EU still investigating BHP-Rio merger.


Asprey gets new CEO.


ABN Amro diamond biz sticking with Fortis.


Gassman/Idex breaks down Sterling and Birks and Mayor’s.


LVMH hails “new ebay victory.”


Strike One

Indian diamond strike reflects “doldrums.”

– Protest turns deadly.

– Politicans get involved.


Strike Two

Leviev’s Namibian factory fires strikers.


Strike Three?

South African union plans “big fight” with De Beers.


Chaim on South Africa’s diamond licenses.

– South African govt criticizes Anglo-American.

De Beers signs Ontario beneficiation agreement.

– Sightholders offered Candian sights.


Tanzania wants more say in mine. (Also, here.)


CVDM Diamonds wins fraud judgement.


Panama bourse touts “untapped” market.


Diamonds “may have come from space.” Groovy.


New rap song mentions conflict diamonds — but is happy about it. Or something. Ugh. To “The Game”: You are not helping.

Teens make dead bug jewelry. And people say this industry has no fresh ideas!

Media Watch:

Wall Street Journal interviews Gareth Penny.

Reuters and Houston Chronicle: The rich still buy diamonds.

The New York Times on 47th Street’s future. (My thoughts.)

Reuters talks with Blue Nile CEO.

The LA Times on notorious serial jewel thief Doris Payne.

The Financial Times on Element Six.

San Francisco blog covers De Beers store opening.

Johannesburg Times on conflict diamonds in Angola.

Globe and Mail gives history of Canadian diamond mining.

Pittsburgh Tribune-Review likes right hand rings.


From the blog:

The Future of the Diamond District.

ABN AMRO: We’re Sticking With Fortis.

Whitehall Memo Update: What the “L”!


Have a great weekend …

JCK News Director

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