Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup

This week… Gold is really, really,
up.… The American mood is really, really down.… And diamonds, they are kind of
going sideways.… All below…


Diamond prices: Starting
to weaken?

– DTC premiums
coming down.

– Industry fundamentals “remain strong.”

– How do jewelers deal with the fluctuations?


U.S. retail jewelry sales up double digits.

– Consumers feeling
frugal about Christmas

– My thoughts: How
worried should we be?


Gold sets new record, again
nears platinum.

– U.S. gold jewelry sales


Watch prices rising with
Swiss franc.


More consumers buying through phones—but
retailers not ready.


Indian diamantaires face
liquidity crisis.


Wow. Interpol probing Leviev’s
Namibia factory.


Danish police investigating
Pandora backer.


Rapaport unveils
“ethical certification” system.

– Rap mixes it up
in India.

– Rap’s other plan: His $100 million diamond investment fund.


Zimbabwe invites E.U. for tour
of Marange.

– Chaim Even-Zohar attacks
BBC documentary

– Zimbabwe activist wins human
rights prize.

– Marange activists complain
about dog attacks.


DTC broker Gerald Rothschild dies.


Lazare Kaplan hires
new director of jewelry


Georgie Gleim new
JA board chairman.

– JSA elects two
new board members.


Dealer robbed
in L.A.


Bidz faces
, sales, profits down.


EBay opening “virtual


Jewelers Opening:

Coin boutique in California.


Antwerp supports
the Horn of Africa.


“Blood diamonds” comes up in
Texas lawsuit.


Maine jeweler sells
Elvis watch.


Flames contain


Media Watch:

Street 24/7
shows the “richest diamond mines in the world.”

New York Times
visits the diamond district.

The Wall
Street Journal
reviews book on the diamond district.  

interviews author of above book.

The Wall
Street Journal
on female self purchase.

on “should a woman wear her engagement ring to interviews?” (Original thread on UrbanBaby shows the high esteem this
industry is held in.)


From the Blog:

Worried Should We Be?

New Certs—For Ethics.



Feel free to comment on any of the
above in the box below, and enjoy your weekend…



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updates: robbatesjck

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