Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup

This week… Gold is up, and then down. Diamonds are kind of down. And consumers are downright depressed.…  Amazon gets to delay California’s online sales tax to June 2012. Though it might come faster with Amazon Prime…. Elizabeth Taylor’s jewels to go under the hammer this December at Christies. Hey, did she consider Bid4Assets.com?… All below…


Zale closing 25 stores.

– Nick White: Is Zale in recession?

– Names new chief information officer.


Forecast: Holiday sales to rise 3.5 percent.

– Consumer confidence nears recession-era lows.


The death of the “mass affluent.”


Are Kmart and Sears goners?

– Pop-up store bubble ”about to burst.”


The most expensive jewelers in America.


Jewelry Blogger: Counterfeit jewelry—at trade shows? Hmm…


Retailers agree to cadmium limits in jewelry.


RapNet: Diamond prices falling.

– Surat diamantaires praise “correction.”

– Analysts don’t expect further drops.

– No change to Rap list.


Harry Winston sales up, profits down.

– Conference call transcript.


Gold sets new record.

– Then falls, then rallies.

– Gold miners outperforming gold.

– Sign of “depressed economy.”


New tax investigation in Antwerp.

– Chaim Even-Zohar: A “dangerous game.”


Chow Tai Fook IPO “creates buzz.”

– Avi Krawitz: “A significant event.”


Elizabeth Taylor jewelry auction set for December.

– Interview with Christie’s VP.


Hermes looks into jewelry.


Update on the De Beers class action settlement.


Amazon agrees to delay Internet sales tax.


Amazon tests redesign.


More consumers influenced by online reviews.


Companies will track transactions through smartphones.


GIA terminates agreement with Italian school.


Auctioned fancy yellow gets $3 million.


Is Zimbabwe going around KP?

– Mining minister’s “diamond wealth” examined.


Sierra Leone diamond exports rise 25 percent.


DMIA supports “The Peace Project.” Heard about this the other night. Seems like a worthy group.


Pentagon jeweler remembers 9/11.


JFC elects new chairman.


DEF picks “top achiever program.”


The divorce ring!


DiCaprio mistaken for thief at jewelry store.


Paris Hilton settles diamond lawsuit.


Justin Beiber’s diamond grill!

– Fans freaked.


Media Watch:

– More diamond investment articles, this time from Canada’s Globe and Mail and the U.K. Huffington Post.


From the Blog:

Update on the De Beers Class Action Settlement.

Interview with Christie’s VP About Elizabeth Taylor Jewelry Auction.


From JCK

My article on the incredible staying power of malls.



Feel free to comment on any of the above in the box below, and enjoy your weekend…



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