Diamond Shavings: Your Friday Web Roundup

This week … Is firing 1,000 people a good way to become “America’s favorite store”? … Retailers continue to discount, as the price of everything continues to go up … And we salute “Jewelers for Veterans” … All below …


Controversy over new Tiffany metal.


Survey: Gold will hit $2,000 this year.

– Bain: Diamond prices to rise.


J.C. Penney lays off 1,000 employees.  

– CFO leaves as well.


Survey: Retailers discounting more than ever.


Zale jumps on the brand-wagon.


Police crack down on “aggressive” 47th Street hawkers.

My thoughts.


FTC officially announces revision of jewelry guides.


Antwerp Diamond Bank wants to dismiss LKI claim.


WSJ: “Shine comes off Chinese jewelers.”


Rio Tinto keeping India diamond project?

– Why did miners get into diamonds in the first place?

– Is industry’s transparency to blame?


Botswana diamond exports triple.


Tribal chiefs behind Zimbabwe looting?


Colorado Internet sales tax struck down.


How Gilt Groupe keeps its exclusivity.


How does Tiffany use its cash?


Jewelers for Veterans formed.


Bergdorf Goodman gets new president.


Mitch Horowitz named VP of Harmon Group.


Gem-A appoints chief operating officer.


Ashi Diamonds hires Midwest sales rep.


Zale seeks diamond buyer.


Street artist tricks diamond company.

– London jeweler puts out Kimberley Process “info-graphic.”


Ten show-stopping celebrity engagement rings.


Angelina Jolie sporting engagement ring?


$6,000 diamond ring found in sewer.


From the Blog:

Zale Jumps on the Brand-Wagon.

Hawkers: 47th Street’s Human Spam.


Media Watch:

– Frequent diamond traveler talks to The New York Times.

– Press of Atlantic City writer on selecting a diamond.

Forbes on gold costing more than platinum.

– CNN on diamonds at Dubai.


Have a great weekend …

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