De Beers Continuing “Everlon” Campaign in 2010 (Updated)

Here is some nice news to end the year … De Beers is planning to continue its Everlon marketing in 2010. This was not certain when the campaign first launched.  “The type of support is the same as last year, but we can’t speculate on the level of support at this time,” says DIC spokeswoman Jamie Cadwell.

UPDATE: A lot depends on the level of retailer buy-in, writes De Beers spokeswoman Lynette Gould, who seems less certain about what will happen next. She writes: “Based on initial very positive feedback on the Everlon Diamond Knot Collection, De Beers is very keen to continue with the program. This will necessarily, though, depend on a corresponding investment from the retail trade partners in order to ensure appropriate advertising weights for the campaign. Both we and they are waiting to see how Christmas has gone before making any firm decisions.”

JCK News Director

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