In light of the violent crimes covered on recently, I thought it would be worthwhile to highlight five features on how jewelers can keep their stores safe.
- From the June 2012 issue of JCK, the latest and greatest in retail security systems. Also from that issue, personal safety tips jewelers can use in order to stay more self-aware and vigilant.
- John Kennedy, president of Jewelers Security Alliance, and Jewelers unBLocked, give tips on how jewelers can better protect their businesses.
- From the August 1995 issue of JCK, more from John Kennedy on why security is a life and death issue for jewelers and how they can better prepare their stores in the event of a crime.
- From Jewelers of America, six steps jewelers can take to prevent smash, grab, and run crimes at their stores.
- Crime isn’t the only safety issue jewelers should be conscious of. This feature from October 2009 offers six tips to help retailers review fire safety equipment, processes, and procedures in their businesses.
Be sure to check out the Jewelers’ Security Alliance website for more jewelry store safety tips and best practices:
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