4 Carat Blue Diamond Fetches Record Price

Colored diamonds continue to be hot sellers, if recent results from miner Petra Diamonds are any indication.

At its recent tender in early December, the company sold a 4.8-ct. piece of blue rough produced at the Cullinan mine in South Africa for $1.45 million, or more than $300,000 a carat. 

Petra says that it is the highest per carat price it has ever achieved for a piece of rough. In addition, the miner says it is confident that the price is “one of the highest values per carat ever achieved on the sale of a rough diamond by any rough diamond producer,” according to a statement. 

“Cullinan is renowned as the world’s only reliable source of blue diamonds and this sale demonstrates how rare and desirable they are to the international market,” the statement added.

JCK News Director

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